Stress is Real

I’ve been having a bit of writer’s block lately.  It’s like my mind is going in so many directions that I’m finding it hard to focus.  One of the recurring questions that keeps running through my head is – How is it possible that this year is more than halfway over?  We only have 5 […]

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There are so many categories of friends:  Best friends, close friends, good friends, old friends, new friends, work friends, neighborhood friends, family friends, not-really-a-friend (acquaintances), social media friends, friends with benefits… I could go on. Many may overlap, but ultimately, we can put the people we know in at least one of these categories.  I […]

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Things can change in the blink of an eye.  A friend of mine just went to the beach with her husband for a long weekend, and they ended up spending the entire time in the hospital.  Her husband came home with a spinal injury, and he is now on a long road to recovery.  Thankfully, […]

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Some of My Favorites

I’ve had many people ask me for recommendations on several different things ranging from clothing and accessories, to workouts and spray tans, so I decided to dedicate this post to a few of my favorites.  Only one tip exclusively applies to the Atlanta area (most are accessible no matter where you live); and while most […]

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Our goal is to keep having them, right?  So, why do so many of us start dreading each one as we get older?  When we’re younger, we have those milestones that we look forward to, like “Sweet 16”, and the big “21st birthday so we can get rid of our fake IDs”…  But, then comes […]

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Kära 2.0

 “You’re so brave!” and “How inspiring!” are what I hear most of the time once I tell someone I’ve left my career as a dentist to follow my creative passions.  However, I also hear things like “I wish I could do that,” or “That must be nice.”   So I feel the need to share a […]

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“So what do you want to do next?” is the question I get asked constantly these days.  And it’s a fantastic question – one that I ask myself on a daily basis.  As someone who’s been on the same track her whole life, it’s a bit overwhelming when you decide to completely change course and […]

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It’s really crazy – maybe serendipitous – how things start to seemingly fall into place once you open yourself up to new possibilities.   I actually started connecting dots way before I realized I was ready to commit to a career change.  My favorite example: Not very long after I met with my friend who had […]

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Perfectly Imperfect

As I began my journey, many of the first books I read were all about changing careers, and they were fantastic:  Pivot by Jenny Blake, The $100 Startup and Side Hustle by Chris Guillebeau to name a few.  I think I became more stressed out reading these, however, because I still had no clue what […]

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Apparently I’m Not Alone

Have you ever felt like you weren’t doing what you were meant to do in your life? Or maybe that the path you had taken wasn’t the one your heart wanted to stay on, and you needed to find a new one? Well I did.  I felt that multiple times over my almost 20 year […]

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