About Me

I was born in Chicago and moved to the Atlanta area at a very young age.  As a child, I decided I wanted to be a Dentist when I grew up.  So that’s what I did.  20 years later I decided it was time to try something new.  So that’s what I’m going to do. 

Design, Fashion, and Art have always been my sources of inspiration. I have been immersing myself more in these worlds by surrounding myself with amazing people in these fields, and in doing so, I’ve been saying yes to various opportunities. Renovating our home multiple times has sharpened my skills, and elevated my passion for design. I started this blog to write about the beauty I am finding on the journey to my next career, and surprisingly have discovered a love and talent for writing as well!

I live in Atlanta with my amazing husband, Chad, and the most adorable rescue dog, Mabel. At the beginning of the  quarantine, we lost our sweet girl, Billie Holiday, who we had rescued 13 years prior. Her love of all things beautiful, and her curiosity for the world, keeps me inspired. Then in July of 2021, we lost our good boy Jack who lived to be 16, and was the reason we survived the trees wrecking our home… He’s clearly an inspiration!

Follow me on Instagram @karakeelmoody

Photo by Joey Appie Photography