Be Careful What You Wish For

On the morning of October 28 2020, while I was in the shower, I thought to myself, “I really wish we could get new tile in our bathroom.” Then to really drive it home, I spoke those words out loud. I’ve never read The Secret, but I’m aware of the concept: put your wishes and intentions into the universe and you will manifest the life you want. Or something like that. Well, the universe listened…

Less than 24 hours later, as Hurricane Zeta ripped through the Gulf Coast and made its way through Atlanta, the 167-year-old southern red oak in our neighbor’s yard – the one that we had feared for 15 years – came crashing into our home. It was so massive, it brought 4 more trees with it. I will never forget the way it felt or sounded – like a sonic boom. It crushed our master suite, our garage (with my car inside), and our backyard/patio – essentially the entire back of the house. Fortunately, we had been sleeping in our downstairs guest room for a few months since our 15-year-old pup couldn’t navigate the stairs anymore. Yes, our sweet dog Jack unknowingly saved our lives.

Everything since has felt like a whirlwind – very overwhelming, with decisions having to be made quickly. It’s also been an education I never wanted in home insurance (I plan on sharing tips later). It’s been beyond stressful, and has really forced me to practice daily gratitude. All of that to say – after moving from a hotel, to a friend’s house, and then a long-term rental – it’s been over 6 months and we are still many months away from moving back home. Demolition on the house didn’t even begin until the end of March, and while most of the framing is done, there’s still so much to do. But guess what?!  I’m getting my new bathroom tile! It’s all selected, and it’s going to be beautiful!

So I wanted to share a little lesson I’ve learned from all of this with you:

Be specific in what you wish for.

I always think you should dream big, and make your intentions known to the universe. However, be very specific in the way you make your wishes known. If I had to do it over, I would have phrased it more like, “I really wish I could find extra money from a non-catastrophic event so we could get new tile in our bathroom.” It’s a little wordy, but maybe things would have turned out differently. Or maybe not – who knows? Either way, I’m going to keep putting my dreams out there (specifically from now on), and I hope you will too!

**I will be sure to post updates as we make progress**

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  1. I agree 100%, Kara. You never know how your wish will be delivered. Very true. By the way, your back looks amazing in that photo at the top! Katherine

    1. Sometimes we learn lessons the complicated way, right?! And thank you for the compliment. I can thank Orangetheory for my back 😉