Content Writing for Creatives

The creative world – that of designers, artists, stylists, etc – is one in which I continue to immerse myself. These days it may be more virtually than in-person, but I still try to surround myself with these types of people and industries. And since I built my website last year, I’ve discovered another facet of my creativity – writing.

Surprisingly, not all creatives are natural writers; and those that are may not have the time, or even enjoy it. While I’ve always enjoyed writing – and have been told that I have a “way with words” – I’ve never had the need to do so, aside from writing a thank you note or journal entry. However, when I started this blog, I realized how much I enjoy putting thoughts and ideas into words. And I found I’m actually good at it! Several months later, I was approached to write content for a creative business that needed to expand their website blog, newsletters, and social media presence. We’ve worked together for a year now, and I love it!

writing creative content from home

Now that I’m writing more for myself and others, I realize not just how much I enjoy it, but how much I enjoy writing on creative subjects. (I must note that I can – and would love to – write for any type of industry.) So, I’ve decided to move forward and offer this service to other small businesses. Let me help you say what you’re trying to say to your clients and/or target audience… Feel free to contact me with any questions.

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  1. Hi! May I pass this information to some of my contacts who may have a need for your services?
