Choose Kindness

The last thing I remember was that it was early March… and then the world turned upside down. A nasty virus changed everything. We were faced with COVID-19 and the lives it has taken; and the lives it has impacted physically, emotionally, and financially. We tried (and are still trying) to work together to stop its spread.

And then a horrific video surfaced in late May, and another nasty virus changed everything. We were faced with racism – the fact it still exists – and the lives it has taken; and the lives it has impacted physically, emotionally, and financially. And we must work together to eradicate it. We have a long way to go…

So many things can and need to be done to fix this mess, and it feels overwhelming wondering where to begin. I believe one thing we can all do to get things started is to choose to be kind. To everyone. Every day.

What else are you doing? We’re in this together…

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  1. When Jesus was asked, “What is the greatest commandment?” Jesus replied, “We are to love the Lord our God, and the second is to love one another. In these two commandments hang all the laws.” Love God and love each other, if this was practiced daily by all, your wish that we all must choose to be kind would be fulfilled.