My Happy Place

Where’s your happy place? Not the fabulous tropical destination you love to visit (vacations in paradise make me very happy as well), but somewhere nearby that helps your state of mind and simply makes you happy. It may be somewhere in your home, or yard, or neighborhood… a place you can easily access. A place where you likely may have found yourself spending more time lately since this world has been full of uncertainty.

This is a picture of my happy place – the grounds of The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library. It’s here in the middle of Atlanta, and right around the corner from my house. I’ve been taking long walks almost every day since the quarantine started, and this is part of my route. It’s perfectly manicured and landscaped; there’s a rose garden and a pond with geese. It gives me a sense of calm and peace, and quiets my mind – if even for just a few minutes.

We all have a happy place (if you don’t, please find it!). And now that we’re close to life getting back to “normal”, we need to be sure to continue to make time to go there when we can. To take a moment and breathe, and remind ourselves that we can get through anything this world throws our way.

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    1. Your kitchen makes me happy too! Especially when I get to eat whatever you’re cooking…💛