Let It Go

I’ve never actually celebrated Lent by giving up something for the 40 days leading up to Easter.  I’m well aware that many people do, and most typically they give up something like a guilty pleasure (which doesn’t sound very fun).  However, I saw an article today on AJC.com that caught my eye.  It gave a few examples of other things – besides the usual chocolate and wine – that may be better for us to let go of for the season.

Negativity.  That was their #1 suggestion, and I stopped right there.  Apparently we complain/gossip more than we realize, and it can cause health problems due to the increase of the stress hormone that it releases in our bodies.  And isn’t there enough negativity out there right now? So, I have decided I will participate in Lent this year, and let go of negativity.  And I will take it a step further and give up negative self-talk as well.  It’s easy for me to stop negative thoughts about others if I really try, but how often do I think/speak negatively about myself?  I can’t imagine it’s just me who has that voice that keeps me from pushing out of my comfort zone some days; or makes me get into my own head and start thinking I’m not good enough; and especially the one that makes me get in my own way of taking that next step towards my goals.  Sometimes we need to remember to just get out of our own way… And we need to be our own #1 cheerleader!

There’s no need to list anything else the article mentioned because letting go of negative self-talk is plenty for me to tackle at this moment.  My goal is that I make it through the 40 days of Lent, and well beyond.

What do you want to give up? (and please don’t say chocolate… life’s too short!)

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  1. What a wonderful idea, I LOVE IT! You are an inspiration and I will strive to do this too…thanks for the incredible idea my friend…say good-bye to negative self-talk!