Personal Style

We all have our own personal style.  Whether or not you know it – or would like to admit it – there is a reason behind every choice you make in deciding what to wear each day.  It may be because of the color, the cut, or for the comfort, but no matter the reason, everything you wear reflects your personal style.

Identifying your personal style

Do you dress for the sake of function or fashion?  Or perhaps a combination? 

Do you follow the trends, or do you prefer a more classic look?

Are you a free-spirited bohemian type, or do you prefer your clothes more structured?

No one style is better than another.  There are so many variations and combinations, and that’s what makes us unique – just like our personalities.  But it’s good to identify your style.  It makes shopping easier.  It makes getting ready in the morning easier.

My personal style is definitely a combination – I love fashion (and have suffered in it’s name); I lean more towards classic, structured clothes; but I will definitely throw in trends when they work for me.  I pretty much always wear bright lipstick. And I’ve been known to wear a casual tank top with a full-length tutu to dinner and drinks with friends.  Sometimes it just feels right…

Owning your personal style

If you’re an all comfort, athleisure-wear type, own it!  Just don’t wear your yoga pants with the holes in them out in public.  There are so many stores (from Lululemon to Target) making pieces that transition from yoga to lunch with your friends, all while making you look fantastic.

If you’re a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl, a simple French tuck (tucking in the front of your shirt and leaving the rest out – if you watch “Queer Eye” you know what I mean) can elevate your look.  Add a cool belt and shoes – and you’re good to go.

If you like dressing up, do it!  Everyday if you want to.  It really does look good to pair a dressier piece (like a formal skirt I’m wearing in the picture above) with something super casual (like a denim shirt tied at the waist). Remember to mix high and low-end pieces together. And don’t be afraid to wear heels to the grocery store.  I do!

What ever your style is, embrace it.  Make it yours, and always be the best version of you.  And if you’re having trouble identifying just what your personal style is, or how to better express yourself, I’d be happy to meet up with you and help define what makes you uniquely you!

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