
Our goal is to keep having them, right?  So, why do so many of us start dreading each one as we get older?  When we’re younger, we have those milestones that we look forward to, like “Sweet 16”, and the big “21st birthday so we can get rid of our fake IDs”…  But, then comes 30, and I’m not going to lie, that one stressed me out the most.  My 40th wasn’t as traumatic for me (maybe because of my epic party), but then this week I turned 47.  (Yes, I’m a woman and I just told you my age.)  I thought it would bother me, but it surprisingly doesn’t.  First of all, it’s better than the alternative; and secondly, it really is just a number, as contrite as that may sound.   I don’t feel 47, whatever that’s supposed to feel like.  And I think most people I know are aging in slow motion.  Doesn’t it seem that every generation is aging better than the one before?  We, Gen-Xers, are not afraid of coloring our hair, of working out a little harder, of splurging on skincare (and Botox), etc…  The Millenials are doing all of these things, as well as focusing on a better work/life balance, which leads to less stress.  And stress can age you more than anything – just compare the photos of any US President on their first and last day in office.  Now, I will acknowledge that as we age, our bodies don’t respond exactly the same way as they did when we were younger.  You may feel you don’t jump out of bed as quickly, or maybe that shoulder or lower back is just a little stiffer… But that’s what yoga is for.

However, it’s also about how you feel on the inside.  The happier and more content you are, the more it translates outwardly.  Genuinely happy people always look younger and healthier to me, and I want some of that!  I’m constantly reminding myself to check inward as well.  While it’s good to take a look in the mirror, it’s also good to pay attention to how you’re doing mentally and emotionally, and knowing where improvements can and need to be made.  I’ve got news for you – you’re not getting any younger, neither am I- so let’s do what makes us feel good on the inside as well!  Being true to yourself will keep you youthful.  There is no age-limit on happiness.  And, keep on acting exactly as old as you think you are.  Today, I’m feeling 27!

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    1. You’re one of the people I’m referring to who’s aging in slow motion!😘🙌