To Fail Is To Succeed

I’m back!  I’ve taken a little break from writing my blog to focus on some side hustles, but I couldn’t let 2019 end without posting one more time.

New Year’s Eve is always a good time to reflect on the year we’re finishing, but to also look forward to the coming year.  I’m not a resolution person as much as I am a goal person… Resolutions seem too easy to give up on. Goals are something that you continue to work towards. So why did I find myself this last month second-guessing, self-judging, and telling myself that I had failed this year?  My goal was to find a new career, and I didn’t “succeed” in doing that.  But I had to remember that it wasn’t a resolution, it is a goal.  It’s something I’m still working on.

One simple exercise made me realize just how successful this year has been for me.  Whatever your own goals were for 2019  – whether job, health, or family/relationship related – I’m sure this exercise will help shift your mindset and allow you to give yourself a pat on the back:

  • Go back in your calendar to the beginning of the year and take note of each and every thing you did this year related to your goal.  Maybe even take the time to write them all down.  As you start to fill up a page or two (or more) you’ll be amazed at all that you have actually accomplished!

What I found is that I had reached out to a lot of different people.  I had many coffees, cocktails, lunches, and dinners with people that gave me advice, or an opportunity to shadow them, or even paid me (side hustle!) to do something creative for them.  Was it scary?  Yes.  Did anyone say no (or just flat out ignore me)?  Yep.  But I tried.  And while it may seem like a failure, the fact that I put myself out there made it a success.  The major success is that I have learned so much, and made so many new connections!  I also like to remind myself that if someone had told me this time last year that I would have built this website by myself by April, I would have laughed in their face. That’s definitely a success!  I may not have my “new career”, but I’m continuing to work towards my goal.

So try it.  Look back at your 2019 calendar so you can remind yourself of all you’ve accomplished this year.  And then determine what your goal is for next year.  My goal is to kill it in 2020!  I’d love for you to join me!

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  1. I LOVE this. Not only is it beautifully written it is something that can be revisited routinely as the year progresses to help one stay positive, focused and motivated. And I plan to do just that! So many inspiring takeaways. Thank you for sharing Kara.

    1. Thank you! I may need to do this quarterly instead of waiting until the end of the year… I appreciate all your support!